Here's a 'sneak peek' of an article I just wrote that will be published in The Faith Column of The Cibola Beacon Newspaper, in the Grants/Milan area of Cibola County, NM, USA on January 29, so if you know anyone out that way, let them know or people can view it at We very much appreciate your prayers for this ministry! Thanks & Blessings, Mark Tross
A Miracle In Grants!
by Pastor Mark Tross
Victory Church Of God
Grant in Old English meant ‘promise,’ so it would make perfectly good sense to say Grants means ‘Promises’ and The Bible says that All Of God’s Promises Are Yes & Amen In Christ Jesus & Jesus Christ Is The Same, Yesterday, Today And Forever! Believest Thou This?
A woman came to our church from Florida recently, because she was diagnosed with cancer and sought medical attention in NM. As all churches should do, we prayed for God to have His Way and after going for a biopsy, her Dr. said she was cancer free, so let The Church Of God In Grants say, Thank You Jesus!
It always amazed me that Jesus could not perform miracles in one town, because of their unbelief. I think most ‘believers’ today are like the father in Matthew’s Gospel, who said to Jesus, ‘I believe Lord, help my unbelief.’ Perhaps it is because we have let the worries of this present world choke the fruit of God’s Spirit in our lives. Could it be un-forgiveness or lack of ‘faith?’
The Bible, in both Old & New Covenants says, Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God and being that this little writing of mine appears regularly in the ‘Faith Column,’ allow me to emphasize the fact that Faith Comes By Hearing & Hearing By The Word Of God. Jesus said, ‘You Are Either For Me Or Against Me, There Is No Neutral Ground & He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Them Hear What The Spirit Of God Is Saying To The Church Today.’
The Word Of God says The Cross Is An Offense To Those Who Are Perishing. Jesus Himself said that Offenses Would Come. He 'offended’ the Pharisees and the rich young ruler, who simply asked Him, 'What must I do to be saved?’ Sometimes The Truth hurts, but ‘Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend & God Disciplines Those He Loves.’ Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from The Fellowship Of The Saints or God’s plan and purpose for your life. There Is Healing In His Wings, His Miracles & Promises are for you today, so hopefully we will see you in church.
Watch God Answers Prayer, January 29 & 30 on KCHF & Listen Saturdays 8a.m. & 11a.m. to The Bible Factor & Ask The Pastor (New Mexico’s Longest Running LIVE Radio Call-In Program) on AM 1000 in Albuquerque & WORLDWIDE @ . Come February 23, 8:30a.m.-2p.m. to the NM Prayer Summit for Native American Ministry & Join Our Yahoo Group Today @ !
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222 E. Monroe Ave.
Please Join us for services every Sunday at 10:30a.m. FREE Breakfast 9:30a.m. 2nd Sundays are Pot Lucks 12 noon, followed by Men’s & Women’s Ministry + Last Tuesdays are FREE Movie Nights 7-9p.m. FREE Refreshments & ALL Welcome! 505-285-6965
A Miracle In Grants!
by Pastor Mark Tross
Victory Church Of God
Grant in Old English meant ‘promise,’ so it would make perfectly good sense to say Grants means ‘Promises’ and The Bible says that All Of God’s Promises Are Yes & Amen In Christ Jesus & Jesus Christ Is The Same, Yesterday, Today And Forever! Believest Thou This?
A woman came to our church from Florida recently, because she was diagnosed with cancer and sought medical attention in NM. As all churches should do, we prayed for God to have His Way and after going for a biopsy, her Dr. said she was cancer free, so let The Church Of God In Grants say, Thank You Jesus!
It always amazed me that Jesus could not perform miracles in one town, because of their unbelief. I think most ‘believers’ today are like the father in Matthew’s Gospel, who said to Jesus, ‘I believe Lord, help my unbelief.’ Perhaps it is because we have let the worries of this present world choke the fruit of God’s Spirit in our lives. Could it be un-forgiveness or lack of ‘faith?’
The Bible, in both Old & New Covenants says, Without Faith It Is Impossible To Please God and being that this little writing of mine appears regularly in the ‘Faith Column,’ allow me to emphasize the fact that Faith Comes By Hearing & Hearing By The Word Of God. Jesus said, ‘You Are Either For Me Or Against Me, There Is No Neutral Ground & He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Them Hear What The Spirit Of God Is Saying To The Church Today.’
The Word Of God says The Cross Is An Offense To Those Who Are Perishing. Jesus Himself said that Offenses Would Come. He 'offended’ the Pharisees and the rich young ruler, who simply asked Him, 'What must I do to be saved?’ Sometimes The Truth hurts, but ‘Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend & God Disciplines Those He Loves.’ Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from The Fellowship Of The Saints or God’s plan and purpose for your life. There Is Healing In His Wings, His Miracles & Promises are for you today, so hopefully we will see you in church.
Watch God Answers Prayer, January 29 & 30 on KCHF & Listen Saturdays 8a.m. & 11a.m. to The Bible Factor & Ask The Pastor (New Mexico’s Longest Running LIVE Radio Call-In Program) on AM 1000 in Albuquerque & WORLDWIDE @ . Come February 23, 8:30a.m.-2p.m. to the NM Prayer Summit for Native American Ministry & Join Our Yahoo Group Today @ !
Sponsored By:
222 E. Monroe Ave.
Please Join us for services every Sunday at 10:30a.m. FREE Breakfast 9:30a.m. 2nd Sundays are Pot Lucks 12 noon, followed by Men’s & Women’s Ministry + Last Tuesdays are FREE Movie Nights 7-9p.m. FREE Refreshments & ALL Welcome! 505-285-6965