There Are No Secrets In Heaven
by Pastor Mark Tross
Chuck Swindoll, world famous speaker and author says, “The biggest secret on Earth is the biggest scandal in Heaven.” If God is the all seeing, all knowing, everywhere God that The Bible says He is, what makes us think we can hide anything or anywhere from Him? King David said that even if he went to Hell, God would be there. No doubt our sin would separate us from Him, according to Holy Scripture, but He is ‘The God That Sees.’ Even when Jesus was dwelling among us in human flesh, He knew mens’ hearts, which His Word says are evil and wicked.
Perhaps the woman at the well, who Messiah asked for a drink, thought meeting this Jewish man for the first time, there would be no way that he could know her entire history, but He obviously did. Her own proclamation, to the people of Samaria was, “Come and see a man, who told me everything I ever did!”
From the very beginning of creation, after the fall of mankind, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God, so not much has changed with humankind since. God so loved the world, that He sent His One and Only Begotten Son! The Word Of God commands us to not forsake the assembling of the brethren. Jesus says, “Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest!” In this Faith Column every Friday and through the list below, The Organic, Living Church Of Cibola County is inviting you to fellowship with the saints and God, so don’t be fearful or as Jesus says, “Fear Not!” You will be a welcomed guest, so come as you are, like the famous hymn goes, ‘Just as I am.’
Victory Church Of God/Victory Christian Academy
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, New Mexico
Sundays 9:30 AM Free Breakfast, 10:30 AM Worship Service
Watch ‘CROSS CULTURE’ Every Sunday in Grants/Milan 9:30 AM, Channel 10, in Rio Rancho 12:30 PM, Channel 22, Wednesdays in Gallup, NM/Eastern, AZ 7 PM, Channel 21 & WORLDWIDE on You-Tube, (just search for Mark Tross and/or Haskell Hallmark) + LIKE/SHARE Our Face-book Page and Posts!
2ND Sundays Of Every Month 12 Noon Pot Luck & 1 PM Mens’ & Womens’ Meetings
Tuesdays 6 PM Prayer
Last Tuesdays Of Every Month 7 PM Movie Night With Free Refreshments
Hear/Listen To ‘The Bible Factor’ & ‘Ask The Pastor,’ (New Mexico’s Longest Running LIVE Radio Call-In Program) Every Saturday 8 & 11 AM On KKIM Radio, AM 1000 In Albuquerque + WORLDWIDE @ LIKE/SHARE Our Face-book Page & Visit Our Web-sites @
Look/See Our Writings @ &
Hear The Shofar Blast & Pray With Us On Top Of Mount Taylor, Wednesday, May 1, 12 Noon + National Day Of Prayer Is Thursday, May 2, So Pray For Government, Media, Education, Church, Family, Military & The Economy!
<a href=""><img src="" alt="sunrise" width="300" height="195" /></a>
by Pastor Mark Tross
Chuck Swindoll, world famous speaker and author says, “The biggest secret on Earth is the biggest scandal in Heaven.” If God is the all seeing, all knowing, everywhere God that The Bible says He is, what makes us think we can hide anything or anywhere from Him? King David said that even if he went to Hell, God would be there. No doubt our sin would separate us from Him, according to Holy Scripture, but He is ‘The God That Sees.’ Even when Jesus was dwelling among us in human flesh, He knew mens’ hearts, which His Word says are evil and wicked.
Perhaps the woman at the well, who Messiah asked for a drink, thought meeting this Jewish man for the first time, there would be no way that he could know her entire history, but He obviously did. Her own proclamation, to the people of Samaria was, “Come and see a man, who told me everything I ever did!”
From the very beginning of creation, after the fall of mankind, Adam and Eve hid themselves from God, so not much has changed with humankind since. God so loved the world, that He sent His One and Only Begotten Son! The Word Of God commands us to not forsake the assembling of the brethren. Jesus says, “Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest!” In this Faith Column every Friday and through the list below, The Organic, Living Church Of Cibola County is inviting you to fellowship with the saints and God, so don’t be fearful or as Jesus says, “Fear Not!” You will be a welcomed guest, so come as you are, like the famous hymn goes, ‘Just as I am.’
Victory Church Of God/Victory Christian Academy
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, New Mexico
Sundays 9:30 AM Free Breakfast, 10:30 AM Worship Service
Watch ‘CROSS CULTURE’ Every Sunday in Grants/Milan 9:30 AM, Channel 10, in Rio Rancho 12:30 PM, Channel 22, Wednesdays in Gallup, NM/Eastern, AZ 7 PM, Channel 21 & WORLDWIDE on You-Tube, (just search for Mark Tross and/or Haskell Hallmark) + LIKE/SHARE Our Face-book Page and Posts!
2ND Sundays Of Every Month 12 Noon Pot Luck & 1 PM Mens’ & Womens’ Meetings
Tuesdays 6 PM Prayer
Last Tuesdays Of Every Month 7 PM Movie Night With Free Refreshments
Hear/Listen To ‘The Bible Factor’ & ‘Ask The Pastor,’ (New Mexico’s Longest Running LIVE Radio Call-In Program) Every Saturday 8 & 11 AM On KKIM Radio, AM 1000 In Albuquerque + WORLDWIDE @ LIKE/SHARE Our Face-book Page & Visit Our Web-sites @
Look/See Our Writings @ &
Hear The Shofar Blast & Pray With Us On Top Of Mount Taylor, Wednesday, May 1, 12 Noon + National Day Of Prayer Is Thursday, May 2, So Pray For Government, Media, Education, Church, Family, Military & The Economy!
<a href=""><img src="" alt="sunrise" width="300" height="195" /></a>