[caption id="attachment_582" align="alignleft" width="300"]<a href="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Father-Son-HolySpirit.jpg"><img alt="Jesus" src="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Father-Son-HolySpirit-300x225.jpg" width="300" height="225" /></a> Behold, The Lamb Of God, Who Takes Away The Sins Of The World[/caption]
Paul the Apostle exhorts all believers everywhere to ‘keep the feast’ and yes, this is New Testament preaching and teaching, written in the first letter to the Corinthian Church, as the Holy Spirit of God moved upon him to do so. Well, I’m not Jewish, you may say, but The Word Of God tells us that a ‘true’ Jew is one who is circumcised of heart and that Abraham is our ‘Father Of Faith.’ As million of Jews around the world celebrate the first day of Passover today (it actually started last night at sundown), Messianic Jews, Jewish people who have come to know Jesus as Messiah, The Christ (and more of them have come to know Jesus, since the 1960‘s, than ever before in all of world history) and yes, even Christians are celebrating Passover! Most of us will concur that Jesus celebrated Passover with His Disciples in the upper room and that’s where we get communion from. Some will even go as far back as Moses, where the Nation of Israel and the mixed multitude were delivered out of their bondage in Egypt, but The Bible is clear that no one portion of Scripture stands on Its’ own interpretation, so let’s dig a little deeper.
You don’t have to read too deep into the first book of The Bible, Genesis, to find the fall of Adam and Eve, which not only sent all of humankind into a tailspin, but Paul writes that all of creation moans and groans for the fullness of redemption in and through Christ, The Anointed One (Jesus says, “I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life,” not ‘a way). The Word Of God declares that Jesus Christ was crucified, ‘before the foundations of the world were laid,’ so God’s Love for the world and the sending of His Son, when the fullness of time had come and the day and hour of His return, was predetermined by The Father, before The Spirit Of God hovered over the waters at creation. What type of skins do you suppose God covered Adam & Eve with? May I suggest that lamb’s skin is what was used by God, instead of their fig leaves (I’m certain lamb is much more durable). Looking on in Genesis, Cain killed his brother Abel, whose blood still cries out to God today (imagine the cry of the 50-60million babies aborted, just here in America, since Roe v. Wade). Notice, it didn’t take long after mom and dad disobeyed God, for sin to receive its’ wages of death. God rejected Cains sacrifice, the fruit of his labors, yet accepted Abel’s lamb. How did Abel know that his sacrifice would be accepted by God? My guess would be that Adam & Eve told their boys how grace and mercy was extended to them and yes, grace and mercy are found in the Old Testament.
Read your Bible! All of us have been given access to ‘The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sins Of The World,’ but we need to accept that forgiveness and resist the devil. ‘Put On The Lord Jesus Christ,’ The Word tells us, apply The Blood, for (Eternal, Everlasting, Abundant, Resurrection) LIFE Is In It! Abraham told Isaac, “God Will Provide Himself A Lamb,” but a ram was caught in the thickets. ALL These Things Are Written As Examples For Us, so look beyond the types and shadows, Look Unto Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation, for He Is The Author & Finisher, the starter and completer of our faith and without faith, it is impossible to please God. For most in the Christian community, yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day Jesus ‘fulfilled’ the prophecy of Zechariah, who said that our King would come into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. As sure as The Word Of God Is, He’s Coming Again SOON, riding thru the clouds of Heaven on a white horse, with the faithful saints of old with Him, the trumpet will sound, the dead In Christ will rise first and those who are alive and waiting for Him, will be caught up to be with Him FOREVER! HAPPY PASSOVER! http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Paul the Apostle exhorts all believers everywhere to ‘keep the feast’ and yes, this is New Testament preaching and teaching, written in the first letter to the Corinthian Church, as the Holy Spirit of God moved upon him to do so. Well, I’m not Jewish, you may say, but The Word Of God tells us that a ‘true’ Jew is one who is circumcised of heart and that Abraham is our ‘Father Of Faith.’ As million of Jews around the world celebrate the first day of Passover today (it actually started last night at sundown), Messianic Jews, Jewish people who have come to know Jesus as Messiah, The Christ (and more of them have come to know Jesus, since the 1960‘s, than ever before in all of world history) and yes, even Christians are celebrating Passover! Most of us will concur that Jesus celebrated Passover with His Disciples in the upper room and that’s where we get communion from. Some will even go as far back as Moses, where the Nation of Israel and the mixed multitude were delivered out of their bondage in Egypt, but The Bible is clear that no one portion of Scripture stands on Its’ own interpretation, so let’s dig a little deeper.
You don’t have to read too deep into the first book of The Bible, Genesis, to find the fall of Adam and Eve, which not only sent all of humankind into a tailspin, but Paul writes that all of creation moans and groans for the fullness of redemption in and through Christ, The Anointed One (Jesus says, “I AM The Way, The Truth and The Life,” not ‘a way). The Word Of God declares that Jesus Christ was crucified, ‘before the foundations of the world were laid,’ so God’s Love for the world and the sending of His Son, when the fullness of time had come and the day and hour of His return, was predetermined by The Father, before The Spirit Of God hovered over the waters at creation. What type of skins do you suppose God covered Adam & Eve with? May I suggest that lamb’s skin is what was used by God, instead of their fig leaves (I’m certain lamb is much more durable). Looking on in Genesis, Cain killed his brother Abel, whose blood still cries out to God today (imagine the cry of the 50-60million babies aborted, just here in America, since Roe v. Wade). Notice, it didn’t take long after mom and dad disobeyed God, for sin to receive its’ wages of death. God rejected Cains sacrifice, the fruit of his labors, yet accepted Abel’s lamb. How did Abel know that his sacrifice would be accepted by God? My guess would be that Adam & Eve told their boys how grace and mercy was extended to them and yes, grace and mercy are found in the Old Testament.
Read your Bible! All of us have been given access to ‘The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sins Of The World,’ but we need to accept that forgiveness and resist the devil. ‘Put On The Lord Jesus Christ,’ The Word tells us, apply The Blood, for (Eternal, Everlasting, Abundant, Resurrection) LIFE Is In It! Abraham told Isaac, “God Will Provide Himself A Lamb,” but a ram was caught in the thickets. ALL These Things Are Written As Examples For Us, so look beyond the types and shadows, Look Unto Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation, for He Is The Author & Finisher, the starter and completer of our faith and without faith, it is impossible to please God. For most in the Christian community, yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day Jesus ‘fulfilled’ the prophecy of Zechariah, who said that our King would come into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. As sure as The Word Of God Is, He’s Coming Again SOON, riding thru the clouds of Heaven on a white horse, with the faithful saints of old with Him, the trumpet will sound, the dead In Christ will rise first and those who are alive and waiting for Him, will be caught up to be with Him FOREVER! HAPPY PASSOVER! http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com