<a href="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/kim-jong-un.jpg"><img alt="kim-jong-un" src="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/kim-jong-un-300x168.jpg" width="300" height="168" /></a>As North Korea’s Kim Jong goes public to the world and threatens these United States Of America, what are we going to do? Will President Obama take this particular nuclear (or as President George W. Bush would say, ‘nucular,’) threat seriously? Seriously enough to actually do something about this or will he break out the teleprompter and make another campaign speech for his next four years (don’t think it’s not possible, because most Americans remember F.D.R.).
All things are ‘possible’ with God, but is He even a part of this administrations (biblical) world view? So many questions and so few honest and truthful answers!
I’m not a war monger by any means, but somebody has to do something about all of these ‘ready to push the nuclear bomb button,’ so called leaders of the nations of this present world of darkness that we are all living in, Jew, gentile, male, female, slave and free. It’s not bad enough that the worlds economy is in the tanker (yes, Wall Street thinks they have hit an all time high, but what goes up must come down), most people on this little blue ball floating around the sun have the feeling that time is NOT on our side. Let’s get totally biblical here, Paul The Apostle said he was living in the last days & John The Beloved said he was living in the last hour, not to mention that The Bible says a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day to God, so where exactly does that leave us in our life, which is just a breath, based on God’s Eternity line? Quite plainly, according to Jesus, “No man knows the day or the hour,” which is why the band, Chicago sang, ‘Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care?’ Either way, we are commanded to occupy until He comes again and if there is one thing for certain, these wars and rumors of wars are a clear indication of the fact that ‘Soon & Very Soon We Are Going To See The King,’ because The Word Of God tells us that EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM!
Meanwhile, back at the Whitehouse, which is closed right now to the public, because of the government cutbacks (even though it’s a self guided tour), do you think that President Barack Obama is laying Kim Jong’s threats of nuclear war before Almighty God and asking Him to intervene or at least wanting some good old ‘Godly Advise,’ from The King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords, as to how he should handle this situation? That’s exactly what the king of Israel did when he was confronted by his enemy. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, so his tactics have not changed from day one, cause he’s the father of lies, but God has not changed either, He’s the only Hope of Israel and most definitely, the ONLY Hope of ‘the world we live in.’
<a href="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/kim-jong-un.jpg"><img alt="kim-jong-un" src="http://www.fggam.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/kim-jong-un-300x168.jpg" width="300" height="168" /></a>As North Korea’s Kim Jong goes public to the world and threatens these United States Of America, what are we going to do? Will President Obama take this particular nuclear (or as President George W. Bush would say, ‘nucular,’) threat seriously? Seriously enough to actually do something about this or will he break out the teleprompter and make another campaign speech for his next four years (don’t think it’s not possible, because most Americans remember F.D.R.).
All things are ‘possible’ with God, but is He even a part of this administrations (biblical) world view? So many questions and so few honest and truthful answers!
I’m not a war monger by any means, but somebody has to do something about all of these ‘ready to push the nuclear bomb button,’ so called leaders of the nations of this present world of darkness that we are all living in, Jew, gentile, male, female, slave and free. It’s not bad enough that the worlds economy is in the tanker (yes, Wall Street thinks they have hit an all time high, but what goes up must come down), most people on this little blue ball floating around the sun have the feeling that time is NOT on our side. Let’s get totally biblical here, Paul The Apostle said he was living in the last days & John The Beloved said he was living in the last hour, not to mention that The Bible says a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years are as a day to God, so where exactly does that leave us in our life, which is just a breath, based on God’s Eternity line? Quite plainly, according to Jesus, “No man knows the day or the hour,” which is why the band, Chicago sang, ‘Does anybody really know what time it is, does anybody really care?’ Either way, we are commanded to occupy until He comes again and if there is one thing for certain, these wars and rumors of wars are a clear indication of the fact that ‘Soon & Very Soon We Are Going To See The King,’ because The Word Of God tells us that EVERY EYE WILL SEE HIM!
Meanwhile, back at the Whitehouse, which is closed right now to the public, because of the government cutbacks (even though it’s a self guided tour), do you think that President Barack Obama is laying Kim Jong’s threats of nuclear war before Almighty God and asking Him to intervene or at least wanting some good old ‘Godly Advise,’ from The King Of Kings & Lord Of Lords, as to how he should handle this situation? That’s exactly what the king of Israel did when he was confronted by his enemy. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, so his tactics have not changed from day one, cause he’s the father of lies, but God has not changed either, He’s the only Hope of Israel and most definitely, the ONLY Hope of ‘the world we live in.’