<blockquote>When Jacob came from Padanaram he arrived safely and in peace at the town of Shechem, in the land of Canaan, and pitched his tents before the [enclosed] town.
Then he bought the piece of land on which he had encamped, from the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, for one hundred pieces of money.
There he erected an altar, and called it El-Elohe-Israel (God, the God of Israel).
- Genesis 33:18-20</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Compass.jpg"><img title="Compass" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Compass.jpg" alt="" width="395" height="260" /></a>Like Jacob, we All are on a Spiritual journey, looking for a "place" to dwell, to tabernacle, to Live, build our"self" a house and make it a home. Where your heart is, there your treasure will be and Jacob found his Home In God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth! He found favor, Grace In The Sight Of His Lord, Who "Passed Over" before him (as The Good Shepherd goes before His Sheep), led him on, governed (showed consideration for) his Life, set the pace before him and gave him the endurance to press on as a Servant Of The Most High God.
Sometimes in this journey, we call "Life," we come across situations and circumstances that are above and beyond our control. Jacob had his twin brother Esau, who he contended with from time to time and shortly after this Scripture reading, his daughter Dinah went out [unattended] to see the girls of the place, was seized, laid with, humbled, defiled and disgraced by Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite. Many times when we are attempting to "Do The Right Thing" in this World, the enemy comes in like a flood, brings hurt, confusion and disappointment, but God Is Faithful and Jesus Never Fails! Through it All, we "are" more than Conquerors In Christ Jesus and He Will Work Everything Together for Good!
Jacob arrived safely and In Peace!
Through many years you can travel the Straight and Narrow Way. The Road can be long, leading you in the dry and weary desert, up to the top of the mountains, down into the deepest, darkest valleys, but whether you go through the fire or flood, Jesus Is With you to bring you forth as gold. He Is our Hiding Place, our Peace, our Joy, our Deliverance! The Son has come to dwell, "tabernacle" In our hearts! Jacob pitched his tent before God and man and paid a price for his dwelling place, the land on which he encamped.
God Loves Sacrifice. His Holy Spirit Fire does not fall on an empty altar!
Have you ever erected an Altar of Love before the Throne of God, your Heavenly Father? Are you building your World around Him, In Him, Through Him and To Him?
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Call us at 505-285-6965
ALL WELCOME at our Sunday Services 10:30am
Join Our Yahoo Group TODAY at http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Listen to us WORLDWIDE EVERY SATURDAY 8 & 11am MT @ http://mykkim.com
<blockquote>And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
- Genesis 3:8</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Hiding.gif"><img title="Hiding" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Hiding.gif" alt="" width="336" height="264" /></a>Have you ever heard "The Sound Of The Lord"? As Believers, we are to be in a constant "walk" and relationship with God, Our heavenly Father. Enoch walked with God and was no more! Are you hiding your "self" from the Presence Of The Lord? Our "Life" Is To Be "Hid" In Christ Jesus and not from Him. Like the Psalmist, our heart's desire should be to behold the Beauty of the Lord, Inquire of Him In His Temple (we "are" The Temple, The Church, The Dwelling Place of the Holy Ghost and should be listening to the Voice of His Holy Spirit) and bask in The Presence of His Pure and Righteous Light. The Word of God tells us that Today Is The Day Of Salvation, so it Is Time for us as Christians to get back to The Garden.
The Scriptures say that the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened and they knew they were naked when they sinned, disobeyed God's Commands and fell from His Grace. Because of sin in the World, our eyes are blind to The Truth of His Word, Goodness and Mercy. Our witness is marred, we are lame and poor, but In Jesus, we "are" able to see, can walk The Walk, talk The Talk and Live The Abundant Life In His Holy and Precious Name! God, Our Heavenly Father has clothed us In The Righteousness of Christ, Girded us In His Truth and He Is constantly Calling us Unto Himself. Draw near to God and He Will Draw Near To you!
The very first question In The Bible Is, "Where are you?" Have you come to The Garden alone? Is God's Voice, His Word, what you hear whispering in your ear? Do you walk with God and talk with Him?
Has He told you that you "are" His Own?
The Joy you'll share when you tarry there is like none other you or anyone else on this planet could ever Hope to Know apart from a personal relationship with Jesus. When He speaks, The Sound Of His Voice should be heeded. There is no reason what-so-ever for you to fear or hide your "self' from Him, because He Loves you and sent His One and Only Begotten Son to die on The Cross of Calvary in your stead. God provided Him"self," The Lamb Of God to take aWay the sins of the World and "grant" us His Peace to overcome sin and death.
Don't hide your "self" from Him, but confess your sins one to another and you shall be Healed!
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, NM 87020
Sundays 10:30am
<blockquote>ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you; rise to a new life]! Shine - be radiant with the glory of the Lord; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you! [Zech. 8:23.]
- Isaiah 60:1</blockquote>
The Lord has an eye upon All of mankind as upon All the Tribes of Israel. His Holy and Precious Word tells us that many people and strong nations shall come to Jerusalem to seek, inquire of and require [to fill their own urgent need] the Lord of hosts, and to pray to the Lord for His favor. What "Is" The Lord's Favor? His Grace, His Mercy and His Goodness (in other words, His Glory)! God says, Ten men, out of All languages of the nations, shall take hold of Him Who Is A Jew, for we have heard that God Is With You.
Jesus, A Jew was Born of God to reconcile the World back to Their Creator and we, as Christians (Born-Again Believers) are Called of God, "given" The Ministry of Reconciliation to Go to All Nations and Peoples with The Love of God and The Good News of Jesus! God In Christ and Jesus In us are to bring the World back to Our Heavenly Father, but are we doing just that?
How will they hear if we do not go and tell them? Hear! O Israel, The Lord, Our God Is One and we are Called to "Be" One With Him In Christ Jesus! Christ In us "Is" The Hope of Glory and The Holy Spirit Living, Moving and Having His Being In us makes us the Hope of the World! You and me "have" God With us to reach out and touch The Nations (Each and Every Individual Soul on The Planet), so that None will perish, but All Will Come to repentance In Jesus' Name.
Hope Will not disappoint us, but we must work together as One and Walk In Love.
Do you pray daily, entreat, inquire and seek The Favor of The Lord? Apart from Him, we can do Nothing! He Is Our Stronghold [Which "Is" Impregnable], Our Savior and we shall not "be" moved, afraid or shaken when we put All of our Trust and Faith In Him as Lord. He Is The Husband of Our Heart and Soul! We "are" The Bride of Christ and He has His Eye on us at All times.
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, New Mexico 87020
ALL Welcome at our Sunday Worship Services 10:30am
Call us at 505-285-6965
‘LIKE’ us on Facebook, ‘FOLLOW’ us on Twitter, ‘FRIEND’ us on MySpace & Join our Yahoo Group TODAY at http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Listen Saturdays 8 & 11am MT WORLDWIDE at http://mykkim.com AM1000 ABQ/ FM 94.7 Santa Fe
Email [email protected] http://nmnewsandviews.com http://askthepastornm.com
<h2>The Reason For Everything</h2>
<h5>By Pastor Mark Tross
Victory Church of God</h5>
<blockquote>Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east [where they are dispersed], and gather you from the west; -Acts 18:10.
I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Keep not back; bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the ends of the earth, Even everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, whom I have made.
- Isaiah 43:5-7</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/healing-the-blind.jpg"><img title="healing the blind" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/healing-the-blind.jpg" alt="" width="445" height="324" /></a>You "Are" Precious In God's Sight, Honored, and Loved By Him! Jesus wants to open up the eyes of All who do not see and unstop the ears of those who do not hear what The Holy Spirit Is Saying to The Church Today (Yes, The Church)! He wants All Nations and Peoples gathered together As One In His Name. Let The Truth be known by All, The Blood of Jesus has Justified us In The Eyes Of God and He Is Calling us to "Be" Witnesses of His Goodness, Mercy and Grace. [Ps. 123:3, 4.] As Servants of The Most High God, we are to Know Him, Believe and remain Steadfast In Him, Understanding Who He Is and who we "are" In Jesus! He Is Lord and beside Him there is no Savior. Only He holds the future In His Hands, so put your complete and total Faith, Hope and Trust In Him.
Perfect Love casts out All fear! When you walk In Love, you "are" more than a conqueror. Our Lord, Jesus Is The Root and The Offspring of David and In Him, we "are" The Offspring of God. You "are" A Child of The King! God has taken our sin (the sins of the World) and cast them to the wind, as far as from the east is to the west. He wants to gather All who are scattered (as sheep without a shepherd), dispersed among the nations and is saying, "Come on Home, Children."
Give up, whatever it is that is keeping you from a Pure, Holy and Blameless Life In Jesus. Don't hold back! Let it go! Find release, Deliverance, Help and Healing from the worries and pressures of this World. Receive Shalom, Peace, Fullness, Wholeness and Blessings In Jesus' Holy and Precious Name. Because you "are" Sons and Daughters of God, He has sent forth The Spirit of His One and Only Begotten Son, Jesus into our hearts, crying, "Abba, Father (which means, Daddy)!"
Let All The Nations Be Gathered Together, and Let The People Be Assembled!
- Isaiah 43:9a
Pastor Mark Tross can be seen this Sunday at
Victory Church of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, NM 285-6965
<strong>Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.</strong>
Then he bought the piece of land on which he had encamped, from the sons of Hamor, Shechem's father, for one hundred pieces of money.
There he erected an altar, and called it El-Elohe-Israel (God, the God of Israel).
- Genesis 33:18-20</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Compass.jpg"><img title="Compass" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Compass.jpg" alt="" width="395" height="260" /></a>Like Jacob, we All are on a Spiritual journey, looking for a "place" to dwell, to tabernacle, to Live, build our"self" a house and make it a home. Where your heart is, there your treasure will be and Jacob found his Home In God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth! He found favor, Grace In The Sight Of His Lord, Who "Passed Over" before him (as The Good Shepherd goes before His Sheep), led him on, governed (showed consideration for) his Life, set the pace before him and gave him the endurance to press on as a Servant Of The Most High God.
Sometimes in this journey, we call "Life," we come across situations and circumstances that are above and beyond our control. Jacob had his twin brother Esau, who he contended with from time to time and shortly after this Scripture reading, his daughter Dinah went out [unattended] to see the girls of the place, was seized, laid with, humbled, defiled and disgraced by Shechem, son of Hamor the Hivite. Many times when we are attempting to "Do The Right Thing" in this World, the enemy comes in like a flood, brings hurt, confusion and disappointment, but God Is Faithful and Jesus Never Fails! Through it All, we "are" more than Conquerors In Christ Jesus and He Will Work Everything Together for Good!
Jacob arrived safely and In Peace!
Through many years you can travel the Straight and Narrow Way. The Road can be long, leading you in the dry and weary desert, up to the top of the mountains, down into the deepest, darkest valleys, but whether you go through the fire or flood, Jesus Is With you to bring you forth as gold. He Is our Hiding Place, our Peace, our Joy, our Deliverance! The Son has come to dwell, "tabernacle" In our hearts! Jacob pitched his tent before God and man and paid a price for his dwelling place, the land on which he encamped.
God Loves Sacrifice. His Holy Spirit Fire does not fall on an empty altar!
Have you ever erected an Altar of Love before the Throne of God, your Heavenly Father? Are you building your World around Him, In Him, Through Him and To Him?
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Call us at 505-285-6965
ALL WELCOME at our Sunday Services 10:30am
Join Our Yahoo Group TODAY at http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Listen to us WORLDWIDE EVERY SATURDAY 8 & 11am MT @ http://mykkim.com
<blockquote>And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
- Genesis 3:8</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Hiding.gif"><img title="Hiding" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Hiding.gif" alt="" width="336" height="264" /></a>Have you ever heard "The Sound Of The Lord"? As Believers, we are to be in a constant "walk" and relationship with God, Our heavenly Father. Enoch walked with God and was no more! Are you hiding your "self" from the Presence Of The Lord? Our "Life" Is To Be "Hid" In Christ Jesus and not from Him. Like the Psalmist, our heart's desire should be to behold the Beauty of the Lord, Inquire of Him In His Temple (we "are" The Temple, The Church, The Dwelling Place of the Holy Ghost and should be listening to the Voice of His Holy Spirit) and bask in The Presence of His Pure and Righteous Light. The Word of God tells us that Today Is The Day Of Salvation, so it Is Time for us as Christians to get back to The Garden.
The Scriptures say that the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened and they knew they were naked when they sinned, disobeyed God's Commands and fell from His Grace. Because of sin in the World, our eyes are blind to The Truth of His Word, Goodness and Mercy. Our witness is marred, we are lame and poor, but In Jesus, we "are" able to see, can walk The Walk, talk The Talk and Live The Abundant Life In His Holy and Precious Name! God, Our Heavenly Father has clothed us In The Righteousness of Christ, Girded us In His Truth and He Is constantly Calling us Unto Himself. Draw near to God and He Will Draw Near To you!
The very first question In The Bible Is, "Where are you?" Have you come to The Garden alone? Is God's Voice, His Word, what you hear whispering in your ear? Do you walk with God and talk with Him?
Has He told you that you "are" His Own?
The Joy you'll share when you tarry there is like none other you or anyone else on this planet could ever Hope to Know apart from a personal relationship with Jesus. When He speaks, The Sound Of His Voice should be heeded. There is no reason what-so-ever for you to fear or hide your "self' from Him, because He Loves you and sent His One and Only Begotten Son to die on The Cross of Calvary in your stead. God provided Him"self," The Lamb Of God to take aWay the sins of the World and "grant" us His Peace to overcome sin and death.
Don't hide your "self" from Him, but confess your sins one to another and you shall be Healed!
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, NM 87020
Sundays 10:30am
<blockquote>ARISE [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you; rise to a new life]! Shine - be radiant with the glory of the Lord; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you! [Zech. 8:23.]
- Isaiah 60:1</blockquote>
The Lord has an eye upon All of mankind as upon All the Tribes of Israel. His Holy and Precious Word tells us that many people and strong nations shall come to Jerusalem to seek, inquire of and require [to fill their own urgent need] the Lord of hosts, and to pray to the Lord for His favor. What "Is" The Lord's Favor? His Grace, His Mercy and His Goodness (in other words, His Glory)! God says, Ten men, out of All languages of the nations, shall take hold of Him Who Is A Jew, for we have heard that God Is With You.
Jesus, A Jew was Born of God to reconcile the World back to Their Creator and we, as Christians (Born-Again Believers) are Called of God, "given" The Ministry of Reconciliation to Go to All Nations and Peoples with The Love of God and The Good News of Jesus! God In Christ and Jesus In us are to bring the World back to Our Heavenly Father, but are we doing just that?
How will they hear if we do not go and tell them? Hear! O Israel, The Lord, Our God Is One and we are Called to "Be" One With Him In Christ Jesus! Christ In us "Is" The Hope of Glory and The Holy Spirit Living, Moving and Having His Being In us makes us the Hope of the World! You and me "have" God With us to reach out and touch The Nations (Each and Every Individual Soul on The Planet), so that None will perish, but All Will Come to repentance In Jesus' Name.
Hope Will not disappoint us, but we must work together as One and Walk In Love.
Do you pray daily, entreat, inquire and seek The Favor of The Lord? Apart from Him, we can do Nothing! He Is Our Stronghold [Which "Is" Impregnable], Our Savior and we shall not "be" moved, afraid or shaken when we put All of our Trust and Faith In Him as Lord. He Is The Husband of Our Heart and Soul! We "are" The Bride of Christ and He has His Eye on us at All times.
Victory Church Of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, New Mexico 87020
ALL Welcome at our Sunday Worship Services 10:30am
Call us at 505-285-6965
‘LIKE’ us on Facebook, ‘FOLLOW’ us on Twitter, ‘FRIEND’ us on MySpace & Join our Yahoo Group TODAY at http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com
Listen Saturdays 8 & 11am MT WORLDWIDE at http://mykkim.com AM1000 ABQ/ FM 94.7 Santa Fe
Email [email protected] http://nmnewsandviews.com http://askthepastornm.com
<h2>The Reason For Everything</h2>
<h5>By Pastor Mark Tross
Victory Church of God</h5>
<blockquote>Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your offspring from the east [where they are dispersed], and gather you from the west; -Acts 18:10.
I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Keep not back; bring My sons from afar and My daughters from the ends of the earth, Even everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory, whom I have formed, whom I have made.
- Isaiah 43:5-7</blockquote>
<a href="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/healing-the-blind.jpg"><img title="healing the blind" src="http://www.nmnewsandviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/healing-the-blind.jpg" alt="" width="445" height="324" /></a>You "Are" Precious In God's Sight, Honored, and Loved By Him! Jesus wants to open up the eyes of All who do not see and unstop the ears of those who do not hear what The Holy Spirit Is Saying to The Church Today (Yes, The Church)! He wants All Nations and Peoples gathered together As One In His Name. Let The Truth be known by All, The Blood of Jesus has Justified us In The Eyes Of God and He Is Calling us to "Be" Witnesses of His Goodness, Mercy and Grace. [Ps. 123:3, 4.] As Servants of The Most High God, we are to Know Him, Believe and remain Steadfast In Him, Understanding Who He Is and who we "are" In Jesus! He Is Lord and beside Him there is no Savior. Only He holds the future In His Hands, so put your complete and total Faith, Hope and Trust In Him.
Perfect Love casts out All fear! When you walk In Love, you "are" more than a conqueror. Our Lord, Jesus Is The Root and The Offspring of David and In Him, we "are" The Offspring of God. You "are" A Child of The King! God has taken our sin (the sins of the World) and cast them to the wind, as far as from the east is to the west. He wants to gather All who are scattered (as sheep without a shepherd), dispersed among the nations and is saying, "Come on Home, Children."
Give up, whatever it is that is keeping you from a Pure, Holy and Blameless Life In Jesus. Don't hold back! Let it go! Find release, Deliverance, Help and Healing from the worries and pressures of this World. Receive Shalom, Peace, Fullness, Wholeness and Blessings In Jesus' Holy and Precious Name. Because you "are" Sons and Daughters of God, He has sent forth The Spirit of His One and Only Begotten Son, Jesus into our hearts, crying, "Abba, Father (which means, Daddy)!"
Let All The Nations Be Gathered Together, and Let The People Be Assembled!
- Isaiah 43:9a
Pastor Mark Tross can be seen this Sunday at
Victory Church of God
222 East Monroe Avenue
Grants, NM 285-6965
<strong>Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.</strong>