‘Acts Of Terrorism, Acts Of Vandalism & Acts Of The Holy Spirit’
As of today, the death toll for yesterdays terrorist attack in Boston is 3, with 144 others injured, but President Obama tells us not to jump to conclusions. Some Californians are without power today, because someone decided to use the transformer for target practice and it isn’t even summertime, with air conditioners using too much electricity, but it’s coming.
Most of what’s happening in the world we live in today is a direct result of disobedience to God’s Word, the wages of sin is death, but too many people believe they’re very much alive, when they are dead in their sins and trespasses, against God and man. The above mentioned news stories are a clear indication that God’s people need to humble themselves and pray, so that He can heal our land. Over the past eight months, most would say that the stock market numbers were good, but it’s been reported that the actual returns to investors have been low. Our economy is suffering, regardless of what you’re hearing from the so called ‘mainstream media.’ Something’s got to give and as far as I can discern, it’s going to be us, because we don’t have our feet on the solid rock and think we can actually stand firm, when all hell literally breaks loose.
Almost every media outlet is using words like ‘act of terror’ or ‘act of vandalism,’ but few (if any) have mention the great need for this country and world to cry out to God. What we all need is ‘The Acts Of The Holy Spirit In The Lives Of Believers!’ Many who will read this article know exactly what I’m talking about, but too many in ‘the church,’ either don’t know Who The Holy Spirit Is or they flat out don’t care to know, but when the final curtain falls and people are begging to come into 'the rest,’ that only Jesus can give, many, many will be crying out, 'Let me in! Let me in!,’ but The Lord will say, “Depart from me, I never knew you!”
This for sure is no bedtime story, but The Holy Spirit is not just here to comfort you, He commands us to “Comfort, Comfort My People!” One person injured by an 'act of terrorism’ is too much. The President says that will be brought to justice. Unfortunately, the way our justice system has been working lately, his words are not a comfort to those who lost loved ones or limbs. We are not promised that this world will get better, but that in and through Christ, we are guaranteed to get through it.
If we are the salt and light of this world, and that is what Jesus called us, remember He only said and did what God commanded Him and all was not done by His own might or power, but by The Holy Spirit, which every confessing believer on the planet has, we have a lot of work to do, to take the Love of God & the Good News of Jesus to all! In This World You Will Have Tribulation, But Be Of Good Cheer,” Jesus said, “For I Have Overcome The World!” We are more than conquerors! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, pray for all who are doing without (especially those who are without God), pray for all who were affected by yesterdays disaster in Boston and pray for our enemies, because God still loves this world, so much so, that He sent His One & Only Begotten Son to die for its full redemption.
You can read ‘The Acts Of The Holy Spirit In The Lives Of Believers,’ by Pastor Mark Tross @ http://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com
As of today, the death toll for yesterdays terrorist attack in Boston is 3, with 144 others injured, but President Obama tells us not to jump to conclusions. Some Californians are without power today, because someone decided to use the transformer for target practice and it isn’t even summertime, with air conditioners using too much electricity, but it’s coming.
Most of what’s happening in the world we live in today is a direct result of disobedience to God’s Word, the wages of sin is death, but too many people believe they’re very much alive, when they are dead in their sins and trespasses, against God and man. The above mentioned news stories are a clear indication that God’s people need to humble themselves and pray, so that He can heal our land. Over the past eight months, most would say that the stock market numbers were good, but it’s been reported that the actual returns to investors have been low. Our economy is suffering, regardless of what you’re hearing from the so called ‘mainstream media.’ Something’s got to give and as far as I can discern, it’s going to be us, because we don’t have our feet on the solid rock and think we can actually stand firm, when all hell literally breaks loose.
Almost every media outlet is using words like ‘act of terror’ or ‘act of vandalism,’ but few (if any) have mention the great need for this country and world to cry out to God. What we all need is ‘The Acts Of The Holy Spirit In The Lives Of Believers!’ Many who will read this article know exactly what I’m talking about, but too many in ‘the church,’ either don’t know Who The Holy Spirit Is or they flat out don’t care to know, but when the final curtain falls and people are begging to come into 'the rest,’ that only Jesus can give, many, many will be crying out, 'Let me in! Let me in!,’ but The Lord will say, “Depart from me, I never knew you!”
This for sure is no bedtime story, but The Holy Spirit is not just here to comfort you, He commands us to “Comfort, Comfort My People!” One person injured by an 'act of terrorism’ is too much. The President says that will be brought to justice. Unfortunately, the way our justice system has been working lately, his words are not a comfort to those who lost loved ones or limbs. We are not promised that this world will get better, but that in and through Christ, we are guaranteed to get through it.
If we are the salt and light of this world, and that is what Jesus called us, remember He only said and did what God commanded Him and all was not done by His own might or power, but by The Holy Spirit, which every confessing believer on the planet has, we have a lot of work to do, to take the Love of God & the Good News of Jesus to all! In This World You Will Have Tribulation, But Be Of Good Cheer,” Jesus said, “For I Have Overcome The World!” We are more than conquerors! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, pray for all who are doing without (especially those who are without God), pray for all who were affected by yesterdays disaster in Boston and pray for our enemies, because God still loves this world, so much so, that He sent His One & Only Begotten Son to die for its full redemption.
You can read ‘The Acts Of The Holy Spirit In The Lives Of Believers,’ by Pastor Mark Tross @ http://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com