Sisters & Brothers In Messiah/Christ,
May is going to be a jam packed month with the Korean Intercessors coming to pray for a true spiritual awakening and revival to come to New Mexico, the Four Corners, SW region, across America and around the world, National Day of Prayer (May 4, 11:30am at Civic Plaza in ABQ & 6pm in Espanola) Prayer At The Heart Of Dona Ana County in Radium Springs on Saturday, May 6 and PATH, Sandoval County 9:30am-2pm in Jemez, Saturday, May 20 at Hummingbird Music Camp, so be sure to invite everyone to attend these events, when and where they can, but also pray into what God is doing in our day, because thanksgiving and praise is due Him and it magnifies His Presence in our midst!
If you didn't make it to the Awake events that happened in April, at Four Corners, Farmington, Gallup, Church Rock, New Life COG and New Beginnings in ABQ & Cross of the Martyrs in Santa Fe, I just don't know what to tell you, other than God is having His Way in and around our state, Jesus, Yeshua is building His Church, just as He said and if you think Covid rocked the world, you ain't seen nothing yet, because The Bible tells us that everything that can be shaken will be shaken, except The Kingdom Of God, so Dig In Deep and hang on for the ride, grab a hold of the hem of His Garment, because He's On The MOVE and we have to move in The Holy Spirit with Him!
Much of what will be happening while the Korean Intercessors are here will be posted at & , so please check out these sites, register for these events, so we can plan accordingly and stay connected, because there's MORE coming in July & August. ALL are welcome to attend Weck's in Rio Rancho, Wednesday, May 3, 7-8:30am, for a breakfast meeting with our 9 visitors from South Korea, a noontime luncheon at the Foursquare Church in Capitan that afternoon + Sunday, May 7, 10:30am they'll be at New Life Church Of God on Aztec, off Carlisle in ABQ, so share this information with everyone you know and hopefully they'll accept the invitation & invite others! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in the heart of your county, tribal nation this year or the center of your city in 2024, visit and/or for more information and don't hesitate to contact me 🙂
Mark Tross
Prayer Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect
P.S. NDP: May 2, 6pm @ Rio Grande Gorge Bridge; May 4, Noon @Kit Carson Park in Taos, Frontier Park in Angel Fire & May 6, 9am @ Taos Valley Overlook, between mile marker 36-35, HWY 68 - Dr. Leslie Keegel will be on air with us & Wednesday, May 10, 9-11am MT, LIVE @AppleTV, ROKU,, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and other social media sites worldwide; May 16, 10am-noon at Journey Church in Farmington, 'A Brighter New Mexico' (Call 505-836-4223 for more info) + May 26-28 at New Beginnings Church, 4770 Montgomery Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, First Nations Day Of Honor (register at