I'm enclosing 3 emails sent to me, regarding a meeting, which took place in NM last month. Parent's Day is July 24, so please pray for all the parents in our state. I just returned from a whirlwind tour of NM with my daughter and 2 grandsons, who were visiting from NJ and want to tell you again what I have said before, I have never seen NM looking so green! Our Heavenly Father is blessing us in the natural and that always proceeds the spiritual, so keep praying God's perfect and acceptable will for our state! Have a safe & blessed month and should you or someone you know want to hold a prayer meeting in your area, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
Dear friends,
Thank you and praise the Lord God Almighty for ALL who covered us in prayer for this trip. We thank God for ALL of you and for those who generously gave so the trip would be possible! It is obvious that God is moving among the Navajo, that He has HIS hand upon the Navajo Nation. What happens with First Nations people will greatly impact the Church at large and America.
We are attaching a report Wes Tullis sent out regarding his impressions of the conference. It is insightful for us to hear from another perspective and we hope his report will bless and encourage you, as it did us. Wes and his wife Sandy are dear friends and have labored with us for years, in prayer, for the healing and resourcing of restoration for First Nations' people. We love and appreciate them as we do Jean Steffenson who also attended the meetings with her NABI team. Jean has the vision to raise up Native businesses and entrepreneurs. Her vision for the Native American Business Institute was presented to the Navajo leaders and ministers, as well as our vision for the Native Healing Coalition. We all recognized the need for all of us to work together --healing of the soul must occur for First Nations people to function in their gatekeeping authority and succeed in business and economically.
I am also attaching Prayer points for the ongoing work for the Navajo leaders and their people.
Please continue to pray for us and the Native Healing Coalition and that many other Native Churches and leaders will get on board so that we can see legitimate healing, restoration and wholeness come to our First Nations people.
Faithfully His,
Ivan and Linda Doxtator
First Nations Counseling Ministries
PO Box 813
O"Fallon, MO 63368
Gallup Post Conference Prayer Points
- Ask God to continue to strengthen and protect the Navajo Christian Leaders, Churches, ministry organizations, and business owners as they endeavor to see God transform their people and nation according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
- Pray for the mantle of true humility to rest upon the Native Christian leaders and the non-Native ministers and business people who are working together to see God come to transform the Native nations and America.
- Ask God to bless the two initiatives (First Nations Healing Coalition and Native American Business Institute) introduced to the Navajo Christian leadership to bring healing and restoration to their people and economic independence, growth, and stability to their Nation.
- Ask God to use the development and establishment of these two initiatives as a template for other tribal nations in the US, Canada, and beyond.
- Ask God to heal and restore First Nations Christian leaders so in wholeness and stability they can rise up to fulfill their call as God’s originally appointed people to spiritually gatekeep and steward the North American continent.
- Ask God to powerfully anoint these leaders that they might successfully stand against the dark spiritual forces attempting to undermine and shipwreck God’s intended purpose and destiny for the United States and Canada.
- Ask God for the release of financial resources for the healing and restoration of the First Nations people and for those key leaders and ministries that would humbly walk alongside legitimate Native leaders, ministries, and their community transformation initiatives.
Pray specifically for the Navajo Christian leaders that God give them wisdom and strategies to thwart the traditional medicine men and people who keep warring against God and His word, especially pushing to gain public platforms to present occult ideas and ways as legitimate patterns for the Navajo Nation to follow.
Morning Precious Saints,
Thanks for your prayers. We definitely benefited greatly.
The Doxtators did a masterful job of bringing the teaching topics requested by the hosts of the conference; the broadest and healthiest network of Navajo Pastors and Ministries, Cornerstone Ministries International, led by Pete Belone.
It was evident from their felt needs that the Doxtators would need to be back many times to do justice to the breadth of important themes the Navajo requested.
It has become apparent that the Father is doing a unique work among the Navajo by the fact that the President and Vice-President, along with 16 members out of the 24 Tribal Council, are Christian. Also, the unprecedented step taken by the previous Navajo President, agreed upon by the Tribal Council, to make an official covenant of friendship with the nation of Israel. This, coupled with the significant location of the Navajo at the ‘Four Corners’ of our nation in the Southwest, emphasizes to us the importance of the Body of Christ nationwide; to take notice, pray for, and resource the redemptive Kingdom activity happening among the Navajo and the tribes of this region.
Besides my comments below, I sincerely believe this was a historic gathering because of the advancement of two critical structures which will serve the long-term transformation of the native peoples of the Southwest, and our nation at large.
There is a growing awareness in the Body of Christ that we need to provide the continuum of ministry mentioned in Jeremiah 1:10 AMP: "See, I have this day appointed you to the oversight of nations, and of the kingdoms to root out and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."
The first, and most important, was the special gathering of the Navajo Leadership (additional meetings outside of the Conference sessions) to establish the First Nation Healing Coalition for the Southwest Region with the Doxtators. The Doxtators presented a well thought out proposal, which, along with engaged discussion and Q and A, led to a strong ownership by the Navajo. The consensus from that time was to have the Doxtators back for a one to two week period of vision casting and practical training for the tribes of the Southwest. To create a strong foundation of emotional health for individuals, families, and leadership within all spheres of their culture, is absolutely essential for long term, generational impact.
Then there was another presentation by Jean Steffenson of the Native American Resource Network, for the vision that has been on her heart for some time, a Native American Business Institute. Jean will be working in tandem with the Doxtators and other native and non-native leaders, to create a leadership curriculum that is foundational for serving the existing, successful native business leaders (some of whom were present and led in the sharing) as well as call forth and equip future business leaders.
This is just the beginning of a new level of leadership training which is necessary to impact every realm of society, as well as their call to the nations.
Both of these new structures are involved in creating nationwide unity to bless and serve the nine major language groups of the First Nations of the US, Canada, and into Mexico.
There is also a keen awareness that we would draw on the breakthroughs among First Nations of other nations and regions. Even now, there is a burgeoning work bearing fruit among the Fist Nations in Montana, led by the Pacific Island peoples of Samoa.
The felt need of the Navajo leadership was to lay a groundwork of understanding, and expand their existing understanding, in these major topics:
1. Kingdom Culture as it relates to the Navajo People and the future of the burgeoning Navajo Church/Ekklessia. The Doxtators laid a solid foundation of understanding of how culture is formed by a people group, and how to discern which elements of their culture are redeemable, which surprisingly to me, was the greatest felt need of these Navajo leaders. The Doxtators emphasized the importance of the Navajo elders uniting to define and create guidelines for their own people, much like the council of Acts 15. Brilliantly done.
2. Native Psychological Dilemma and the Victim and Predator Spirit as it related to the Native people, with specific reference to the Navajo history.
3. The Watchman Calling and the unique role of the Navajo and the First Nations of the region to be mobilized and trained to take their place on the Wall to see the destiny of the United States realized. The Doxtator’s first session was on ‘Personal Gatekeeping’, where each attendee was called to the love of the Father to meet their ‘five most basic human needs’ in order to operate out of a place of wholeness and holiness.
I wish you could have been there, You would have been pleased with the fruit of your prayers.
Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions.
P.S. I went with a few other non-native business leaders to serve the First Nations and the Father’s choice servants-what an honor!