I hope and pray you'll be an April Fool for Christ 24/7, 365 & 1/4 Days a Year! PLEASE, continue reading and praying through The Word with us this April 2018: Psalms 38-55; Proverbs 8:12-11:1-23; Deuteronomy 21-34; Joshua 1-24; Luke 22-24; John 1-18 & Judges 1-19. Needless to say, but you know I'm going to say it anyway, we'll be reading out of the Jewish Hymnal, growing in Wisdom, going through the second giving of the law, which got them into the promised land, God's telling us all to 'be strong and courageous,' while others are still doing what's right in their own eyes, Jesus gives us the Great Commission, but not without the promise of the Father, His Holy Spirit & His Blessing (Psalm 133/Deuteronomy 6) & we continue to flesh out The Word and hear that the great I AM 'Is Willing!'
Resurrection Sunday, The Feast Of First Fruits kicks us off this month on Sunday, April 1, with Easter Monday, celebrated in Canada on April 2, Tax Day on the 15th, so render unto Caesar the things that are his and unto God, the things that are His! Administrative Professionals' Day is Wednesday, April 25. Remember that administration is a gift of the Holy Spirit, according to Romans 12 & 1 Corinthians 12, so let's pray that every gift, talent and ability, within the Body of Christ comes forth, so we can all come into the fullness of God - Spring Up O Well Within My Soul, Spring Up O Well & Make Me WHOLE, Spring Up O Well & Give To Me That LIFE ABUNDANTLY!
I trust that everyone receiving this email or reading this over the internet will pray daily for God to have His Way in New Mexico, across America & Around the WORLD! Should you or someone you know plan to have an event in your area, don't hesitate to contact me + continue to invite others to join us here at NM Prayer Connect.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
New Mexico Prayer Connect
Blessings to ALL, October brings us into the last quarter of 2017, so get ready to turn your clocks back this month. It’s been a wonderful year of unity within the ...